Capitol Analysis
Media Coverage Highlights
This page is showing some of the media coverage we got for our client Capitol Analysis.
Investor Ideas | 4.3.18
Capitol Analysis Launches "Lab Transparency Project"
Analytical Cannabis | 4.4.18
Paying for Potency
Cannabis Industry Journal | 4.4.18
Washington Lab Conducts Transparency Study
Cannabis Daily Record | 4.6.18
WIRE: Washington cannabis lab launches “Lab Transparency Project”
Northwest Facts | 4.14.18
Capitol Analysis Launches “Lab Transparency Project” Project launched in response to new report from Straight Line Analytics suggesting industry foul play
Green Market Report | 6.13.18
BUSINESS Cannabis Testing In Alaska Shows Cracks In Lab Land
California Weed Blog | 6.17.18
Paying for Potency: An In-Depth View of Lab Shopping and Regulations
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